Legislature(2011 - 2012)SENATE FINANCE 532

03/22/2012 05:00 PM Senate LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

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05:05:42 PM Start
05:45:14 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Sanctioning & Ratification of Charitable Events:
Girl Scouts of America Celebration & Auction
2012 Legislative Skits
Outdoor Heritage Foundation Midnight Sun Charity
Shoot & Banquet
Statute Publication Subcommittee
Bethel Office Space Approval
Kotzebue Office Space Approval
Anchorage Office Space Approval
Legislative Finance Remodel Approval
                                           MARCH 22, 2012                                                                     
5:05:42 PM                                                                                                                    
The  Legislative Council  meeting  was  called to order at by Senator  Menard,  Chair, in the Senate                            
Finance Committee Room.                                                                                                         
1. ROLL CALL                                                                                                                  
Chair  Menard   called the  roll.  In attendance were  Council   members:    Senators  Davis,  Egan,                          
Olson,  Hoffman,  Stedman,   Stevens, and  Menard;  Representatives  Austerman,   Chenault,  Herron,                            
Johnson  and  Holmes.  Absent   members:    alternate member   Senator Joe  Thomas;   Representative                            
Stoltze and alternate member Representative Bill Thomas.                                                                        
Other Legislators present: Representative Mike Hawker                                                                           
Staff present:   Varni, Tilton, Clothier, Finley, Ibesate, Lesh, Strong                                                         
2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                         
Representative Herron moved that Legislative Council approve the agenda as presented.                                           
The motion passed with no objections.                                                                                           
3. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 9, 2012 MINUTES                                                                                       
Representative  Herron  moved   that Legislative Council  approve  the February  9, 2012  minutes  as                           
The motion passed with no objections.                                                                                           
Representative Johnson joined the meeting at this time.                                                                         
4. SANCTIONING AND RATIFICATION OF CHARITABLE EVENTS                                                                          
Chair  Menard  stated that she is requesting ratification of the sanctioning of the 2012  Legislative                           
Skits and Girl Scouts  of America   Celebration  and Auction.   She sanctioned  both  these events in                           
advance  of this meeting  as time  was  of the essence  for the event and  they wished  to begin  the                           
sale of tickets.                                                                                                                
Also  presented  in the packet  is a request for sanctioning  of the  Outdoor  Heritage  Foundation                             
Midnight Sun Charity Shoot and Banquet.                                                                                         
Representative  Herron  moved   that Legislative  Council  ratify the sanctioning of the Girl Scouts                            
of America   Celebration  &  Auction  and  the Legislative  Skits by the  Legislative Council  Chair                            
and  sanction the Outdoor   Heritage Foundation   Midnight   Sun  Charity Shoot  &  Banquet  per  AS                            
The motion passed with no objections.                                                                                           
5. STATUTE PUBLICATION SUBCOMMITTEE                                                                                           
Chair Menard   noted  that the contract for publication of the Alaska Statutes will expire at the end                           
of 2012.  She  said she is currently forming a subcommittee   to work  with Revisor  of Statutes Pam                            
Finley and  Director of Legal  Services Doug   Gardner  to prepare  a Request  for Proposals, review                            
submittals, and  make   a recommendation    to  the Council.   Senator  Stevens  and  Representative                            
Holmes have graciously agreed to be on the Subcommittee along with Chair Menard.                                                
6. BETHEL OFFICE SPACE APPROVAL                                                                                               
Chair  Menard  stated that the Bethel  office space lease will expire  on June  30, 2012, with  three                           
one-year  renewal  options remaining.   This lease renewal  would  run from  July 1, 2012 - June  30,                           
2013.   There is an additional 303 square  feet of office space available that has been requested by                            
the Legislators that are in that facility.  The addition of this square footage would  be considered                            
Amendment     No. 1.  The  cost of the Lease Renewal   and  Amendment    No.  1 is $55,498.80.   This                           
equals $2.15  per square  foot for the original space  and $2.75  per square  foot for the additional                           
303 square feet.                                                                                                                
Representative  Herron  moved   that Legislative  Council  approve  the renewal  of the Bethel  lease                           
agreement and Amendment No. 1 for lease space for $55,498.80.                                                                   
The motion passed with no objections.                                                                                           
7. KOTZEBUE OFFICE SPACE APPROVAL                                                                                             
Chair  Menard  stated that the Kotzebue  office space  lease will expire on June 30, 2012,  with one                            
(1) one-year  renewal  option remaining.   This  lease renewal  will run from  September   1, 2012  -                           
August  31,  2013.    The  cost of  the lease renewal  is $25,702.56.   The  cost per square  foot is                           
Representative   Herron  moved   that Legislative  Council  approve   the renewal  of  the Kotzebue                             
lease agreement for $25,702.56.                                                                                                 
The motion passed with no objections.                                                                                           
8. ANCHORAGE OFFICE SPACE LEASE                                                                                               
Chair Menard   stated that the Anchorage  office space lease will expire on May  31, 2012,  with two                            
one-year  renewal  options remaining.   This lease renewal would   run from June  1, 2012 - May   31,                           
2013.  The cost of the lease renewal is $675,624.30.  This is equal to $2.47 per square foot.                                   
Representative   Herron   moved    that Legislative  Council   approve   the  renewal  of  the  lease                           
agreement for the existing Anchorage lease space for $675,624.30.                                                               
Representative  Austerman   asked  if there were  any updates  on efforts by  Legislative Council  to                           
find a new building or is that effort being let go.                                                                             
Chair  Menard   responded  that they  would  probably  have  to go  out for an  RFP  and  that hasn't                           
been  done yet. She  said this particular item had not been noticed  for this meeting so they would                             
take that up at another  meeting.  She  said it will be a very deliberate effort on their part again.                           
There  is a subcommittee  and  they will organize  the subcommittee   to address this issue. She said                           
there has  only been  one  person  at this time  that has come   forward  and  hasn't really made   a                           
formal  offer. She said she wants  the process to be transparent and  so that everyone  has the same                            
opportunity  to  come   forward  with  their suggestions.  She   said that, as members    know,   we                            
exhausted the Chevron Building and that went to NANA.                                                                           
Representative  Austerman    asked if the Chair  was  looking for an  RFP  from  this company   or is                           
this something that may happen.                                                                                                 
Chair Menard responded that it may happen at the next meeting.                                                                  
Representative Austerman asked if we were advertising at all.                                                                   
Chair Menard said we are not advertising at this time.                                                                          
Representative Austerman asked if the approval of this contract for $675,000 is a one year deal.                                
Chair Menard said yes, that is what we pay, per year, to our current landlord.                                                  
Senator Egan joined the meeting at this time.                                                                                   
Representative  Herron   asked  Ms.  Tina  Strong  how  renewing   this lease for  one year  impacts                            
future tentative plans to look for other space.                                                                                 
Tina Strong,  Procurement   Officer for Legislative Affairs Agency,   said at this time, renewing for                           
one  year is something  she believes we  have  to do. To  go out to bid and  find new  space for that                           
many people is going to take more than one year.                                                                                
The motion passed with no objections.                                                                                           
9. LEGISLATIVE FINANCE REMODEL APPROVAL                                                                                       
Chair  Menard   stated that many   of you  have  asked  for a spreadsheet  showing   the cost  of the                           
Legislative Finance  Building.   Such  sheet was  supplied  in your packet.  If you will refer to the                           
spreadsheet  you  will notice that the project is 2,844 square  feet with a cost of $348  per square                            
foot.  At the bottom  of the spreadsheet, you  will note the estimated  projected costs to finish the                           
project.  The good  news  is that the three remaining contracts have  come  in at a total of $46,069,                           
which  is less than the $75,500 that was  estimated.  Our  Executive  Director is requesting a lift of                          
the cap  and  a budget  amount   not to  exceed  $167,240   to pay  existing bills and complete   the                           
Senate  President  Stevens  moved   that the  Legislative  Council  lift the cap on  the Legislative                            
Finance  Building  remodel   and  approve  the solicitation, award  and  expenditure  not  to exceed                            
$167,240   from  Legislative Capital  Funds  to  finish the remodel  and  an  additional $20,000   be                           
approved for furniture.                                                                                                         
Senate  President Stevens  asked  to speak to his motion.  He  said it seems to him  that we need  to                           
lift this cap and get on with things. He said he  asked Ms.  Varni  to answer some   questions about                            
the bills and, while  she  can explain  this better than him,  he  understands  we  have  bills from                            
January  that  we  have  not  paid  and  that we  are  accruing  fees  on  those bills. He  said  it's                          
remarkable  the bids have  come  in at $47,000, under  the expectations of $75,000;  and he'd like to                           
hear Don   Johnston  explain about  that. He said we've  been  dragging  our feet, let's get this done                          
and finish this project and put it into use.                                                                                    
Discussion followed.                                                                                                            
Representative Austerman asked if the motion lifted the cap completely.                                                         
Senate  President Stevens  said that, no, it was not to exceed $167,240  and  that's the figure Chair                           
Menard had used, along with $20,000 for furniture.                                                                              
Chair  Menard   added  that some  of the furniture will be moved,  so  we didn't need  an exorbitant                            
amount  of money   for furniture but that should cover it. She asked Pam  Varni  if she would like to                           
speak to Representative Austerman's question.                                                                                   
Pam   Varni,  Executive  Director  of  Legislative Affairs  Agency,   said that with  the  additional                           
amount   of the $167,240, that was  the amount  in those memos   many   months  ago  which  puts it at                          
the grand  total of $750,000. She  said she doesn't believe that amount  will get spent but it would                            
be nice to not have to keep  coming  back  to Council. She  said she has a stack of bills and Don, in                           
his 15 years working   as the Capitol Building Manager,   has taken pride in dealing every  day with                            
the local suppliers and to not be able to pay  the bills has been difficult for him. It would be nice                           
to pay Valley  Lumber   and Jensen  Yorba  Lott, Alaska  Industrial Hardware;  we can't even  go and                            
buy nails with the current cap in place.                                                                                        
Representative  Austerman   said the figure he heard  was  $167,240  and  on the last sheet that he is                          
looking at, the total is $154,848.                                                                                              
Ms.  Varni responded   that the $154,848  is if the estimated grand  total for remodeling  costs is at                          
$737,608.  Don  has  asked that the total be $750,000  and we'd  be happy  with  either amount.  Don                            
was trying to round it out and not have to come back to Council.                                                                
Representative   Austerman   noted  that these  are estimates  and  that there  could  be  additional                           
unanticipated costs.                                                                                                            
Ms.  Varni said that she believes  everything is accounted  for except  unanticipated change  orders                            
with the mechanical   and electrical contractors. A bit of a contingency  was built in to the amount                            
of $167,240.                                                                                                                    
Chair Menard said it is the Chair's intent to have change orders brought before Council.                                        
Representative  Austerman   said that the estimated grand  total could go over  a million if there are                          
more change orders.                                                                                                             
Ms. Varni said that is correct.                                                                                                 
Chair  Menard   said that she toured  the State Office  Building  space  and  LB&A    works  in poor                            
conditions and does need a remodel.                                                                                             
Representative Herron asked if the cap was now $988,813.                                                                        
Chair Menard stated that was correct.                                                                                           
Ms.  Varni  noted  that the grand  total would  be $1,000,000   if Council  approved  the motion   of                           
Chair  Menard  said that LB&A's    remodel  will result from Legislative Finance  moving   out of the                           
SOB   space and could  conceivably  be considered  another cost of the Legislative Finance  Building                            
Speaker Chenault joined the meeting at this time.                                                                               
Speaker  Chenault   asked  if it is a normal  procedure  to have  LAA    pay  for the remodeling   of                           
Legislative Budget and Audit's space in the State Office Building.                                                              
Ms.  Varni  said that she  was  asked  to meet  with Representative   Hawker,   Chair of  the LB&A                              
Committee,   and  Kris Curtis, Auditor, and  they told her at that meeting that they felt that capital                          
funds should  be used  for the remodel  costs and not LB&A    operating funds. Don   Johnston  would                            
not be in charge  of the project; instead they would   go out to bid for a general  contractor. They                            
need  new  office systems  for approximately  30 people,  new  carpeting, some  wall demolition  and                            
construction as well as any necessary electrical and mechanical upgrades.                                                       
Speaker Chenault asked if LAA was in charge of the facilities at the State Office Building.                                     
Ms.  Varni  said no, the Agency   is not. The  Legislative Auditor  has  always  gone  out to bid on                            
their own  like for their space in Anchorage.   They  manage   their own  space, they pay  their own                            
bills; the Agency   does  not  handle  personnel   or accounting   for Legislative  Audit.  She  said                           
Representative  Hawker   is asking for Legislative Council  to pay for these expenses  out of capital                           
funds so if this request is approved by Council,  then yes, the Agency  would   be paying those  bills                          
for that project.                                                                                                               
Speaker  Chenault  said he wanted  it on the record that he is concerned  about which  entity should                            
be paying for the LB&A remodel since the lease holder is the Department of Administration.                                      
Senate  President Stevens  clarified that the LB&A  remodel  is not in the current motion  before the                           
Representative  Herron   asked  for further clarification on  what  is the final cap amount   in this                           
Ms.  Varni said it was  important for members    to understand  that the $250,000  purchase  price of                           
the building, which  was  added  to the spreadsheet  at the request  of the Chair, is not part of the                           
cap. There  are two  different options for the Council  to consider as the total on the remodel:  (1)                           
$737,608   or (2) $750,000.  She said there is a difference between   the total remodel cost and  the                           
total project cost; in this particular instance, we are talking about $750,000.                                                 
Chair  Menard   confirmed  that the current motion   made  by  Senate  President Stevens  makes   the                           
cap $750,000. She asked if there were any objections to the motion.                                                             
Representative Austerman objected.                                                                                              
Representative  Johnson  asked  for clarification about the term "lifting the cap." He said we're not                           
lifting the cap, we're raising it.                                                                                              
Senator  Stedman   noted  there was  an objection  to the motion  on the  table, so he would  like to                           
know what the ramifications are if the motion fails.                                                                            
Senate  President Stevens  said that was  his concern and  why  he asked  Pam   to come  and explain                            
to him  about how  we  are doing  on paying  the bills of this remodel. While  she can explain  more                            
than he can, he  said it would appear  that we have  bills from January  that we have  not paid; that                           
we  are paying fees on those  amounts  and  that was why  he asked  what  the amount  was  so we can                            
move the cap as appropriate.                                                                                                    
Ms.  Varni  said if the motion  fails, we would  not be able  to sheetrock the building  because  we                            
would  not be able to award  that contract. We would  not be able to paint. We  would  not be able to                           
pay  Valley Lumber   and  Jensen, Yorba,  Lott  or any of the other outstanding  bills we  have. The                            
cap is currently at $582,760  which  leaves an  unfinished building  and Legislative  Finance would                             
stay where   they are currently, making   it impossible  for LB&A    to expand   into the space  they                           
were expecting.                                                                                                                 
Senator  Stedman   said he thinks  that we should  be paying  our  bills. It's not the contractors' or                          
suppliers' issue and we certainly have the funds to do so.                                                                      
Chair Menard responded this meeting is an effort to do that.                                                                    
Representative  Herron   asked if this motion  that raises it to $750,000 for remodeling   costs will                           
allow the paying of all bills to date.                                                                                          
Ms.  Varni said yes it will. It will also allow us to pay future bills as well. We will able to award                           
the final three contracts and finish the project. When  you look  at the combined  square footage  of                           
almost  5,000 square  feet in the SOB and  2,844 square  feet in the Legislative Finance Building,  it                          
brings down the total cost per square foot of remodeling space for 40 people.                                                   
Chair Menard called the roll.                                                                                                   
YEAS:           Menard, Davis, Egan, Olson, Stedman, Stevens, Chenault, Johnson, Herron,                                        
NAYS:           Austerman                                                                                                       
The motion passed 10-1.                                                                                                         
Senate  President  Stevens  moved   that Legislative  Council  approve  the  solicitation, award and                            
expenditure  of not  to exceed  $500,000  from  legislative capital funds  for the Legislative Audit                            
remodel  in the State Office  Building  and that Representative  Mike   Hawker   be the procurement                             
officer for this project. If Representative Hawker  needs additional funds  after going out to bid he                           
can come back to Legislative Council.                                                                                           
Representative  Austerman    said he needs  more  information  about  this issue given the Speaker's                            
Discussion followed.                                                                                                            
Rep. Hawker joined the meeting at this time.                                                                                    
Speaker Chenault said he thinks we should postpone this item until we have more information.                                    
Discussion followed.                                                                                                            
Senate  President  Stevens  noted that Representative   Hawker   has arrived  and since  he used  his                           
name  in that motion, maybe   we  can ask him  to come  forward  make   any comments   if he's aware                            
of the situation or has any thoughts on it.                                                                                     
Chair Menard said she would defer to Representative Hawker if he would like to come forward.                                    
Representative Mike Hawker, District 32-Anchorage, said he just received notice that there is a                                 
motion on this table that he is to be made procurement officer on something of which he has                                     
absolutely no knowledge.                                                                                                        
Chair Menard said this motion will be postponed. There was no vote on the motion.                                               
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.                                                                                          
5:45:14 PM                                                                                                                    

Document Name Date/Time Subjects